{"id":15787,"date":"2023-08-11T10:58:38","date_gmt":"2023-08-11T08:58:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/world-heart-federation.org\/?post_type=news&p=15787"},"modified":"2023-09-15T15:58:20","modified_gmt":"2023-09-15T13:58:20","slug":"call-to-action-on-addressing-the-global-burden-of-pediatric-and-congenital-heart-diseases","status":"publish","type":"news","link":"https:\/\/world-heart-federation.org\/news\/call-to-action-on-addressing-the-global-burden-of-pediatric-and-congenital-heart-diseases\/","title":{"rendered":"Call to Action on Addressing the Global Burden of Pediatric and Congenital Heart Diseases"},"content":{"rendered":"

On 27 August 2023, the global pediatric and adult congenital cardiac community will gather in Washington, D.C., at the 8th World Congress of Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery. Ahead of this meeting, the community has issued an urgent call to action for all governments, all health and development agencies, and the world research and academic community to protect and promote the health of all people with pediatric and congenital heart diseases.<\/em><\/p>\n


Across the world, children with heart disease<\/a> suffer appalling and shameful neglect. The tremendous advances made in reducing childhood mortality from pediatric and congenital heart diseases are confined to high-income countries (HICs) leaving low- and middle- income countries (LMICs) far behind. Of every 100 children born around the world, one will have a malformation of the heart, congenital heart disease<\/a> (CHD). Nearly half of the children with CHD will need a medical intervention in their lifetime, and a quarter of them will need it in the first year of life in order to survive.<\/p>\n

Up to 90% of those born with CHD in LMICs do not have access to cardiac care, and they continue to suffer the high levels of death and disability HICs began to overcome more than fifty years ago. In HICs, medical advances increased childhood survival from an estimated 10% in 1950 to over 90% by 1990, and individuals with even the most complex heart defects are now reaching their fifth and sixth decade of life. In contrast, children born with CHD in LMICs face a vastly different prognosis. CHD is quickly becoming a leading cause of mortality in neonates and children in LMICs, and for those who survive, it can be a life-limiting condition if left untreated.<\/p>\n

This problem is not limited to CHD. Rheumatic heart disease (RHD)<\/a>, a preventable non-communicable disease<\/a>, is the most common acquired heart disease among children and young adults in Africa<\/a> and affects 1.5 \u2013 3% of school-aged children. More than 10% of affected individuals die within 12 months of diagnosis; RHD<\/a> accounts for a substantial proportion of maternal mortality and significant economic burden. In 2010 it was estimated to be US$ 791 million \u2013 $2.37 billion.<\/p>\n

Other heart conditions acquired in childhood also contribute significantly to the burden of pediatric and congenital heart disease and all have less favorable prognoses in LMICs. Whether or not these children survive and grow to reach their full human potential depends largely on birth location and access to heart care treatment throughout their lifetime. There is a dire need for more comprehensive treatment facilities and programs to prevent the deaths of these children, and to provide them with ongoing care as they enter adulthood.<\/p>\n

Accelerating progress to address the burden of pediatric and congenital heart disease globally is in line with the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDG3)<\/a>. We believe that the existing gross inequity in the health status of people with pediatric and congenital heart disease, particularly in LMICs, is politically, socially, and economically unacceptable, and is therefore of concern to all countries. Long-term investment into the lifelong well-being of children should be a guiding value for investments in health and a key priority.<\/p>\n

We hereby call upon the global community in general, and every responsible government, for an effective policy response supported by adequate financial investment to address the needs of all with pediatric and congenital heart diseases. To this end, we recommend to governments, multilateral organizations (the World Health Organization<\/a>, the United Nations Children\u2019s Fund<\/a>, the World Bank<\/a> and others), funders, professional societies, research and teaching institutions, civil society, and the private sector, the following key actions:<\/p>\n

Increase capacity to care for people with pediatric and congenital heart diseases<\/strong><\/span><\/h5>\n

2030 Goal: The timely diagnosis treatment and lifelong care of pediatric and congenital heart disease will be integrated into all health system strengthening and surgical scale up plans.<\/em><\/p>\n