{"id":2443,"date":"2017-01-23T12:45:00","date_gmt":"2017-01-23T12:45:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/world-heart-federation.org\/news\/rhd-confirmed-for-discussion-at-eb-141\/"},"modified":"2021-04-30T19:10:35","modified_gmt":"2021-04-30T18:10:35","slug":"rhd-confirmed-for-discussion-at-eb-141","status":"publish","type":"news","link":"https:\/\/world-heart-federation.org\/news\/rhd-confirmed-for-discussion-at-eb-141\/","title":{"rendered":"RHD confirmed for discussion at EB 141"},"content":{"rendered":"

During today\u2019s very first session of the 140th WHO Executive Board, it has been confirmed that rheumatic heart disease (RHD) shall be included as an Agenda Item at EB 141 in May 2017.<\/h2>\n

RHD confirmed for discussion at EB 141<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n

During today\u2019s very first session of the 140th WHO Executive Board, it has been confirmed that rheumatic heart disease (RHD) shall be included as an Agenda Item at EB 141 in May 2017.<\/p>\n

The Executive Board made this decision following extensive advocacy by the World Heart Federation (on behalf of RHD Action<\/a>) for a coordinated global response to RHD. We have been supporting a diverse group of Member States, led by the government of New Zealand, to boost political will and stimulate work towards a global RHD Resolution.<\/p>\n

Following today\u2019s announcement, all Member States will convene to debate RHD as an Agenda Item at the next\u00a0Executive Board Meeting in May 2017. Discussions are set to revolve around the adoption of a Draft Resolution on RHD.\u00a0We hope that, following the discussions, the Draft Resolution will be adopted, and WHO mandated to address RHD on a global scale.<\/p>\n

There is still work to be done to sensitize and prepare all Member States to accept RHD as a global priority. If you or your organization would like to support this advocacy initiative, please contact Joanna.Markbreiter(at)worldheart.org<\/p>\n


About the Executive Board<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n

Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board begins its 140th meeting in Geneva. The meeting, commonly referred to as \u2018EB 140\u2019, is an annual highlight in the global health calendar. Health ministers, WHO experts, and civil society will gather for ten days to discuss the most pressing health issues of our time, including cardiovascular disease (CVD).<\/p>\n

In recognition of our leading position in cardiovascular health, the World Heart Federation has been invited to participate in the EB. We have gathered a large delegation of Member Partners, members, Board and staff to advocate for improved CVD prevention and control measures at the meeting.<\/p>\n

Professor David Wood, President of the World Heart Federation, heads up the delegation: \u201cAdvocacy for cardiovascular health is the key World Heart Federation priority, and our special relationship with the WHO allows us to represent the entire CVD community. From our strategic position at the 140th Executive Board, we aim to influence health policies and plans to meet the needs of our global membership, our patients and people especially in low- and middle-income countries.\u201d<\/p>\n


Key advocacy topics<\/strong><\/p>\n

The World Heart Federation will be focusing on several key topics at EB 140. Our advocacy priorities include:<\/p>\n