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Meet & Share Workshops

Open to all WHF Members, our virtual Meet & Share Workshops provide a unique opportunity for experts, CEOs, influencers, managers, and leaders of foundations, societies and associations across all continents to come together and share experiences, showcase successes and discuss challenges in combating heart disease around the world.

Each workshop is dedicated to a specific topic and will consist of interactive discussions in small groups, with participants playing an active role. This is an exciting opportunity for foundation representatives across all continents to bring to the table their own experiences, showcase their successes, and engage with the WHF community.

If you are a WHF Member and would like to join one of the workshops below, please email us at [email protected]. If you are interested in becoming a WHF Member, learn more here


Meet & Share Forum: From Ideas to Impact
World Heart Summit 2024 – Pre-Summit Programme

Forum Genève

Leaders and innovators from government, business, civil society and academia are coming together at the World Heart Summit in Geneva on 24-26 May to discuss some of the most pressing challenges in global cardiovascular health. But transforming ideas into real change will require learning from each other, understanding diverse perspectives, and working together to make a better impact.

As part of the Pre-Summit Programme, we are inviting all Summit participants to join us for a special edition of the Meet & Share Forum on Friday, 24 May, where we will explore how to engage with different audiences through social media, the new and improved World Heart Observatory, insights from WHF Roundtables around the world and the essentials of developing an effective advocacy strategy.

Friday, 24 May

In an era where digital communication is paramount, this discussion will focus on strategies to enhance our social media footprint, effectively engage our audience, and inspire positive behaviour change. For example, how WHF Members activated on World Heart Day, and other local community campaigns, and whether social media has or has not been a part of the success.

The World Heart Observatory brings together the best available evidence on cardiovascular disease to help transform data into action, visualizing data on cardiovascular conditions, risk factors, social determinants of health and policy responses. During this session, our experts will give an overview of the newest data from the Observatory, followed by a fun quiz to familiarize participants with the database.

WHF Members who have successfully convened a WHF Roundtable in their respective countries will share their experience in driving national cardiovascular health agendas. This session seeks to showcase real-world examples of Roundtables in action, encouraging active participation and dialogue among Members to exchange ideas, experiences, and best practices..

WHF and its Members play a critical role in addressing CVD around the world, not only from a medical and scientific perspective, but also by strengthening the civil society movement and communicating and advocating effectively. In this session, participants will share their experiences in developing effective advocacy strategiesengaging in high-level policy processes, and how to make the most of events like the World Health Assembly.

Moderated by Prof Amitava Banerjee, Senior Advisor to the Emerging Leaders Programme, this session aims to delve into the latest developments within the Emerging Leaders community and discuss pathways for future collaboration. Participants will have the opportunity to provide updates on their projects, learn about the initiatives of other Emerging Leaders, and share insights on recent achievements within our community. The session will also focus on brainstorming strategies to enhance collaboration, which is essential for shaping the future direction of the WHF’s support for the community. Additionally, this event offers a unique platform for Emerging Leaders to reestablish old connections and forge new ones, fostering a vibrant exchange of knowledge and ideas. Join us to reconnect, enhance collaboration, and contribute to shaping the future of the Emerging Leaders Programme.

Upcoming Workshops

View Events Calendar

24 May 2024 (in-person, Geneva, Switzerland)

More details coming soon

Past Workshops

16 November 2023 (online)

World Heart Day 2023: Mapping our collective impact

This online event brought together WHF Members to explore and celebrate the impact of their World Heart Day campaigns. With a spotlight on data-driven insights and on-the-ground experiences, this webinar was an opportunity for WHF Members to share their stories, initiatives and significant achievements made on 29 September, as well as discuss the challenges encountered, the lessons learned, and the areas where we can all enhance our efforts.

WHF Members’ campaign presentation included:

  • Italian Heart and Resuscitation Association
  • Turkish Heart Foundation
  • Uganda Heart Research Foundation
  • Singapore Heart Foundation
  • Ecuadorian Society of Cardiology

5 September 2023 (online)

World Heart Day 2023: Bring your ideas to life

This online workshop was an opportunity for WHF Members to share their ideas and plans for World Heart Day 2023. They could exchange strategies and best practices and connect with other WHF Members, while asking any questions or support to the World Heart Day team.

In the first part of the webinar, World Heart Day Grant winners, including the InterAmerican Heart Foundation, the Pakistan Cardiac Society, the Heart Foundation of Malaysia and the Bulgarian Society of Cardiologists presented their project.

In the second part of the webinar, Members were invited to join deeper discussions on the topic of their interest in one of three thematic breakout rooms.

  • Breakout room 1: Media & PR
  • Breakout room 2: Organizing check-ups, races and events
  • Breakout room 3: Raising awareness on social media & through influencers

19 May 2023 (in-person, Geneva, Switzerland)

Addressing new challenges 

  • Panel 1: Sustainability and carbon footprint
  • Panel 2: Fundraising or not?
  • Panel 3: Opportunities of AI in developing membership organizations

19 May 2023 (in-person, Geneva, Switzerland)

Preparing for the UHC high-level meeting at UNGA 2023


  • Introduction to UHC, Implications of the UN High Level Meeting on UHC and the role of civil society
  • Role of member states collaborating with WHO, Expectations
  • UN and WHO, general introduction
  • Advocating at the national level on UHC
  • WHF’s advocacy on UHC in collaboration with the Global Coalition on Circulatory Health