A second team from the 2016 Emerging Leaders cohort will run a workshop at the 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health in Cape Town, South Africa, in addition to a similar event run by the KOMPLY project team from the same year.
The FACTC Project team was assembled by the World Heart Federation Emerging Leaders Programme, and piloted a tool for identifying cost of action and inaction and sustainable mechanisms for accelerated and full implementation of the FCTC.
The workshop, entitled ‘Financing, Resource Allocations and Cost of Action Versus Inaction for Full Implementation of WHO FCTC’, will take place on Tuesday 6th March at 9.30am, and will be chaired by Frank Chaloupka (United States of America) and Rijo M John (India). The FACTC team will share the outcome from the pilot project and train other young tobacco control advocates to develop and use country specific factsheets on this issue.
The workshop, organized by the World Heart Federation, will be helpful for tobacco control advocates of all countries, especially from LMICs and those working in tobacco taxation and resource mobilisation for advancing tobacco control. Considering that the 17th WCTOH will witness a galaxy of global tobacco control advocates, this workshop presents an opportunity to highlight the need for greater resources for implementing FCTC.
The workshop will help tobacco control advocates identify sustainable mechanisms to fund and accelerate the comprehensive implementation of the FCTC in their respective countries. Participants will be able to identify costs of implementing comprehensive tobacco control policies (costs of action) and the health costs of continued tobacco use (costs of inaction) and advocate for accelerating full implementation of FCTC.
The 17th World Conference on Tobacco or Health will take place on 7-9 March 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa, under the tagline “Uniting the World for a Tobacco-Free Generation”.