WHF Member the International Society of Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention has announced the 51st International Seminar on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention, which will take place in Chicago from 16-22 August 2020. This event offers the experience of an Advanced Seminar, engaging a select group of 24 Fellows from around the world in a collaborative programme developing one or more specific research proposals, on the broad topic of epidemiology and promotion of cardiovascular health throughout the lifespan. Through concentrated working group activity, supplemented by a limited number of didactic/discussion sessions, Fellows will prepare collaborative proposals for multi-national research for presentation, review, and potential start-up funding, over the 7 days from Sunday 16 August through Saturday 22 August 2020.
Successful candidates will be early- to mid-career investigators with a record of experience in epidemiology and prevention of cardiovascular diseases and stroke or related fields. Participation in a previous ISCEP International Seminar or the WHF Emerging Leaders Program or equivalent is desirable but not required. Selection will be based on the individual record of work in the cardiovascular area, evidence of interest in international collaboration, commitment to undertake the required work – before, during, and following the Seminar – and balance of groups across geographical regions. Special consideration will be accorded to all under-represented groups in the scientific community – such as women, candidates from low- and middle-income countries, and persons with disabilities, without discrimination by any personal characteristic.
Financial Support – There is no registration fee, and meals and accommodations are provided at no cost to participants. Fellows are responsible for their own travel costs, visas, etc. A limited number of bursaries may be available for partial support of travel for eligible participants.
Letter of Application (due no later than 31 January 2020) – Initial application requires: (1) A personal letter of interest (under your organization’s letterhead) presenting your qualifications (as above), reasons for participation, and potential contributions to the Seminar. (2) Your brief curriculum vitae including training, current position (title and organization) and most relevant publications (4 pages or less). Please send items (1) and (2) by 31 January 2020 and address any questions via email jointly to:
Darwin R. Labarthe [email protected]
Kay-Tee Khaw [email protected]
D Prabhakaran [email protected]
Neil Poulter [email protected]
Applicants shortlisted based on the above will be asked by late February to provide: (3) A signed letter of nomination by your chief of department or institution, or another appropriate sponsor. (4) Such further information as may be requested.