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Awards and Travel Grants


Schwarz Connell Family Innovative Investigator Award

The Schwarz Connell Family Innovative Investigator Award was created by WHF in 2025 to support the participation of an early career investigator in the World Congress of Cardiology.


A grant of $5,000 USD will be awarded to the selected applicant to help cover travel, accommodation, and other expenses related to their participation in the ESC Congress together with the World Congress of Cardiology 2025 in Madrid.

01 Mar 2025

Abstract submission

07 Mar 2025

Clinical Case submission

31 May 2025

Early onsite registration savings

06 Jun 2025

Late-Breaking Science submission

Application and Selection Criteria

WHF will select the best candidate for the award from the pool of applicants with abstracts accepted for presentation at the ESC Congress together with the World Congress of Cardiology 2025 according to the following criteria:

  1. Resident or fellow in an accredited internal medicine, cardiology, lipidology, nephrology, or diabetes training programme in a low- or middle-income country.
  2. Candidate is on an appropriate career trajectory dedicated to cardiovascular disease research or CV health promotion with a sensitivity to patient centric care and global health issues.
  3. Candidate has applied and has an accepted presentation at the ESC Congress together with the World Congress of Cardiology (copy of abstract and proof of acceptance to be included).
  4. Candidate has demonstrated tangible productivity (at least one authored publication in past two years).
  5. Candidate will submit a curriculum vita (or NIH Biographical Sketch)as well as statement of motivation (Letter of Intent) clearly stating a rationale for participating in the World Congress of Cardiology.

Complete applications should be sent to [email protected] by 23:59 CET on 14 May 2025. Please contact the same address with any inquires.

Review and Final Selection

Only completed applications will be forwarded for review. Dependent upon the number of proposals received a multi-tier evaluation process may be implemented to select an appropriate recipient. Applications will be evaluated by a panel of investigators designated by the WHF and chosen for their recognized expertise in areas of translational, patient-oriented or global health research. The selected recipient will receive funds only after final approval by the award sponsors.


Attorney Patricia Connell, Esq earned a BA (magna cum laude) from Harvard University and J.D. from The Yale Law School. Her distinguished career was focused on litigation relating to the financial sector.

Martin Schwarz, PhD is an established cell biologist and immunologist whose career has encompassed experiences as a researcher in the pharmaceutical industry, an administrator in academia and service to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). As a participant on more than 30 study panels for the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute he actively evaluated proposals from aspiring physician-scientists seeking support through NIH-sponsored Mentored Research Career Development Award Programs. His service over more than 15 years is a testament to his dedication to fostering new investigative careers. He considers this by far the most enriching activity in a career marked by academic excellence, scientific publications and honors

This award is given to honor the accomplishments of Professor Jagat Narula, MD, PhD, MACC.

Ms Connell, Dr Schwarz and WHF also wish to recognize the important contribution of Professor Jason Kovacic in the convening of this award.

Travel Grants

The World Heart Federation is also offering travel grants to support researchers to attend the Congress. Grantees must have an abstract accepted for presentation at the Congress and be based in a low- or middle-income country.  Twelve travel grants are available, and grant funds must be used to support travel and/or registration expenses for the Congress.

To apply for a travel grant, send the following documents to [email protected] by 23:59 CET on 14 May 2025:

  • A copy of your abstract and proof of acceptance for presentation at ESC 2025 together with the World Congress of Cardiology in Madrid.
  • A brief biography of the presenting author, including current institution and place of residence.

Successful grantees will be informed of the decision and the grant amount by 23 May 2025.