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Susan Lucci

Actress and heart disease survivor

United States

profile picture of the heart hero

It can be all too common for us to put our own health to the bottom of the priority list. But for me, after having the scare of my lifetime last year, I made a promise not only to myself, but to my family, to always put myself on my own ‘to-do list’.

My beautiful family, who I love and adore, is my great motivator. I just love life, and there is so much more that I want to see and do. And as my cardiologist once told me: “No one should ever die of a heart attack.”

My own recent scare with heart disease was nothing to do with lifestyle and diet, but was genetics, something I had inherited from my father. I have never smoked or been a big drinker, and I eat a very healthy, lean diet every day. If anything, I am more conscious of what I put into my body and always make time to exercise.

It is our own responsibility to know our family medical history, and to communicate openly with our doctors about any concerns we have about our health and wellbeing. I’m thrilled to be working with the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women movement to spread that lifesaving message.