Agenda Item 6. Universal Health Coverage
This constituency statement was coordinated by NCD Alliance and endorsed by the World Heart Federation at the 156th Session of the WHO Executive Board
Distinguished delegates,
Global crises such as COVID-19 and climate change provide strong motivation for governments to take action, and yet progress on the SDGs, including NCDs and UHC, is off track for 2030.
We welcome the DG’s report and applaud the recommendation by Member States in the 2023 Political Declaration to reaffirm the principles set forth at the 2018 High-Level Meeting on UHC. We welcome the draft resolutions on Enhancing Global Health Financing and Strengthening national capacities addressing the need for equitable financing mechanisms and support the adaptation and uptake of WHO norms and standards to achieve SDG target 3.8 on UHC and related 2030 targets.
However, we need stronger commitments, especially given the increasing and inequitable burden of NCDs, representing 74% of global deaths, 86% of which occur in LMICs.
Member States must accelerate UHC implementation by including NCD prevention, interventions, treatments, diagnosis, care, and palliative services, in national health benefit packages across the continuum of care, while also aligning and integrating NCD services with other global health priorities.
We urge Member States to engage with civil society and people living with NCDs to keep UHC people-centered. Accountability mechanisms are essential, and we believe that inclusive public health data is crucial to ensure no one is left behind. High out-of-pocket health costs accentuate health inequalities. Member States need to invest in preventing and controlling NCDs by providing sustained resources for UHC, implementing WHO’s guidance on cost-effective interventions.
To close the financing gap, we call for an ambitious global financing target that prioritizes catalytic resource mobilization and adequate implementation of domestic excise taxes on tobacco, sugar-sweetened beverages, and alcohol.
Finally, we call for the implementation of the 2023 UHC Political Declaration and to create momentum for greater progress ahead of the 2027 UN High-level Meeting on UHC. The 2025 UN High-level Meeting on NCDs is a key opportunity to take stock, provide leadership and accelerate progress.
Thank you
Statement coordinated by:
NCD Alliance
Statement supported by:
Sightsavers (The Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind)
HelpAge International
International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
The MS International Federation (MSIF)
World Cancer Research Fund International (WCRF International)
International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care (IAHPC)
Vital Strategies
World Heart Federation (WHF)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)
World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA)
World Hepatitis Alliance
Alzheimer’s Disease International
The Fred Hollows Foundation