The 2018 United Nations High-level Meeting on NCDs (UN HLM), which will likely take place in September at the UN Headquarters in New York, will be the third High-level Meeting on NCDs. The meeting provides a platform for governments to review progress made since the 2011 Political Declaration on NCDs and the 2014 Outcome Document on NCDs, and is an opportunity to highlight gaps in the response and secure new commitments for action. It is an important moment in the NCD response, as it ensures NCDs continue to be viewed as a political and priority development issue that goes well beyond health.
In order to leverage the UN HLM and its Outcome Document for greater action and accountability on NCDs, the NCD Alliance is conducting a broad online consultation to help inform their advocacy priorities for the outcome of the 2018 UN HLM.
This survey aims to understand how civil society views progress on NCDs since 2014, in particular with regards to country-level action, and develop priorities for the 2018 UN HLM campaign and outcome. The Alliance’s initial advocacy priorities will be shared at the 2nd Global NCD Alliance Forum in Sharjah, UAE from 9 – 11 December 2017.
We therefore invite you to complete an online survey here and encourage you to share it with other relevant organisations. Please submit your responses to the online consultation by Friday 24 November. A PDF version of the survey is available here to facilitate consultation and help formulate your responses. However, please note that all responses must be submitted online.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete the online survey. For more information on the modalities of the 2018 UN High-level Meeting, please see the NCD Alliance Process Priorities document.
Please contact [email protected] with any questions or for more information.