The NCD Alliance has finalized a letter to the co-facilitators of Habitat III advocating for health to be given a bigger inclusion within the New Urban Agenda policy outcome document. The World Heart Federation has signed this letter and we also encourage our members to do so.
Habitat III is the major global summit, formally known as the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, which takes place in Quito, Ecuador, from 17-20 October. It is where governments and representatives from all sectors will meet to define priorities for urbanization over the next two decades. The outcome document – the New Urban Agenda – will set out commitments, principles and strategies to support nations and cities in their urban development planning.
The New Urban Agenda will impact significantly on the development and funding priorities across the United Nations and multilateral system and has the potential to change the way nations and cities engage with civil society and communities.
Read more about the challenges of urbanization for NCDs
Read and sign the letter to support the joint recommendations to ensure health is part of the New Urban Agenda.