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Revolutionizing CVD Data: Introducing the all-new World Heart Observatory

03 Oct 2023

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the new and enhanced World Heart Observatory – your go-to global data hub for cardiovascular disease!

The enhanced Observatory features an expanded repository, including data from the World Health Organization, The Lancet, the IHME Global Burden of Disease Study, NCD Risk Factor Collaboration, and more. In addition to illustrating the overall burden of cardiovascular disease, this new data highlights the prevalence of different risk factors and brings attention to key health systems features and policies that can support the prevention and management of CVD.

Our new Country Profiles highlight the state of cardiovascular disease at the local level, helping to compare progress between countries and improve our understanding of heart health globally.

Finally, our CVD Fact Generator allows visitors to quickly and easily uncover the impact of major conditions in different countries, while the World Heart Observatory Quiz encourages you to test your CVD knowledge.

We encourage everyone to explore the Observatory and utilize it as a prime resource to combat cardiovascular disease worldwide.

By leveraging this powerful tool, we can collectively work towards raising awareness of cardiovascular disease and fostering a healthier, more heart-conscious global community.