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WHF Member Salvando Latidos: Improving the quality of life of Mexicans

09 Nov 2022

Salvando Latidos A.C. is a Mexican non-profit civil organization founded in 2018 focused on the prevention, care, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in people of all ages, mainly those in vulnerable conditions.

From day one, our main objective has been to contribute to improving the quality of life of the Mexican population by guaranteeing the right to quality health care so that, as a result, they can achieve their full reincorporation into the economic, social and cultural life of our society.

Over the course of four years, through various programs such as cardiovascular risk detection campaigns, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, patient and first contact professional education, cardiac rehabilitation and cardioprotection of spaces, more than 450,000 people have benefited, positively impacting the reduction of the prevalence of these diseases.

This May 2022, we joined the ranks of this multisectoral network of the World Heart Federation that motivates us to share knowledge, promote active participation of decision-makers in our country and position the work of civil society organizations as a reference for change in policies on cardiovascular disease action plans.

A distinctive feature of the institution is that there are no limitations in terms of social security, socioeconomic level or age, because we believe in the universal right to quality health, which is why we seek contact with this highest web of the global cardiovascular community, which is an inspiration of leadership.

For this 2023, LatidosFest is an initiative of early detection, integration of education, evaluation and social awareness in a single activity of cardiovascular diseases with the support of different actors that will tour the Mexican Republic and hand in hand with the World Heart Federation we will promote prevention strategies and participation of other initiatives such as HEARTS in the Americas under the tutelage of its leaders.

Transforming hearts is not the task of one person, the best changes come from working together.