-Professor of Cardiology.Chief of Tropical Cardiology .Central University of Venezuela .2014-Present.
-Chairman Coordinator Tropical Cardiology Council of the InterAmerican Society of Cardiology. 2018-Present.
-InterAmerican Heart Foundation (IAHF) representative and member of the Writing Group of the World Heart Federation of the Chagas Disease Roadmap. 2019-Present
-Chairman Coordinator COVID-19. Council of the InterAmerican Society of Cardiology 2020-Present.
-Chairman Tropical Cardiology Chapter.Venezuelan Society of Cardiology 2018-Present
-Governor.American College of Cardiology-Venezuela Chapter 2018-Present
-CoEditor Journal of the American College of Cardiology.2019-Present
-Magister.Advances in Cardiology.Catholic University of Murcia.Spain and The Spanish Society of Cardiology.Qualification 10/10 .2014-2017
-Magister Scientiarum Cardiology.Central University of Venezuela.
-Electrophysiology Fellowship. Best Fellow in Electrophisiology Dr Agustin Castellanos .University of Miami.Jackson Memorial Hospital.Miami .Florida.USA.
-Cardiology Fellowship.University Hospital.Central University of Venezuela.
-Medical Doctor.Central University of Venezuela.
-Fellow American College of Cardiology, InterAmerican College of Cardiology. Member European Society of Cardiology. Venezuelan Society of Cardiology(Past President)
-Honorary Member of the Spanish Society of Cardiology ,Argentinian ,Mexican ,Chilean , Colombian ,Paraguayan ,Dominican Republic Societies of Cardiology
Member. Of The Heart Failure Association
Honorary Member Venezuelan Society of Positive Psychology 2014-Present
-Best Abstract Clinical Case of the European Society of Cardiology.First Report of Heart Failure due to Zika Myocarditis.2017
-Best Abstract .Spanish Society of Cardiology .(3 Times)1-2016.Chikungunya Myocarditis 2-2018.A New Global Threat.Zika Myocarditis.3-2019 Arrhythmias in Chagas’ disease .
2014-Invited Speaker in several meetings including
-American College of Cardiology Last 2020.A Visitor From The South. Challenge in the Management of Chagas Cardiomyopathy and invited for the ACC 2021
-American Heart Association Last 2019 A Roadmap for Zika Carditis
-European Society of Cardiology.Last 2015 .Tropical Heart Disease
-InterAmerican Society of Cardiology.Last 2019.Cardiac Involvement in Zika and Chikungunya virus Infection.
-Invited Lecture Mayo Clinic.Rochester Minnesota 2018.
-Invited Lecture Mount Sinai Medical Center 1994
-Best Fellow Electrophysiology ,Dr Agustin Castellanos.Jackson Memorial Hospital.University of Miami.
-Best Cardiologist In Venezuela 2010.Academy of Medical Societies.Venezuela.
-Among the Best Cardiologist on Twitter Worldwide (Listly)
-Among the 5 Best abstracts selected by the American College of Cardiology for Media promotion during the ACC 2107 meeting. Myocarditis,Heart Failure and Arrhythmias in patients with Zika
-Member of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of
cardiology2017-2020.Member of The Heart Failure Chapter of the ACC2019-
Authored of more than 500 articles in Medical Journal including the New England Journal of Medicine,European Heart Journal,Circulation,Journal American College of Cardiology,Global Heart ,European Journal of Heart Failure.Including McMurray J et al… Mendoza I. PARADIGM HF .Angiotensin-neprilysin inhibition versus enalapril in Heart Failure.N Engl J Med 2014. Sep 11;371(11):993-1004.Cited by 2754 related articles.
Participation in several important Research Projects as a National Leader,Principal investigator or investigator in Tropical Cardiology including Arbovirus Heart Diseases,Chagas disease, Heart Failure,COVID-19 ,Heart rhythm disturbances, Diabetes , Arterial Hypertension,Positive Psychology.
Last 10 publications (2020)
1-Echeverría L, Marcus R, ..Mendoza I, et al . WHF IASC Roadmap on Chagas Disease. Global Heart. 2020; 15(1): 26. DOI: https://
2-Yeung C, Mendoza I, Echeverria LE, Baranchuk A. Chagas’ cardiomyopathy and Lyme carditis: Lessons learned from two infectious diseases affecting the heart [published online ahead of print, 2020 May 3]. Trends Cardiovasc Med.
3-Ortiz H, Farina J, Saldarriaga C, Mendoza I, Sosa Liprandi A, Wyss F, Burgos L, Alexander B, Baranchuk A . Human African trypanosomiasis & heart, Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy, 2020 DOI: 10.1080/14779072.2020.1828066
4-Delgado D, Wyss F, Pérez G, Sosa A, Ponte C, Mendoza I, Baranchuk A. Personal Safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Realities and Perspectives of Health care Workers in Latin America . International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2020
5-Rodriguez H, Ortiz F, Ibarrola M,..Mendoza I ,et al. Treatment of the adult, child ,an newborn cardiac arrest victims with COVID-19. Cardiovasc Metab Sci 2010;31:s294-s295.
6-Mendoza I, Anguita M, Baranchuk A, et al .Covid-19 y tratamiento antihipertensivo. Grupo de trabajo sobre Coronavirus de la SIAC 2020 .
7-Burgos L, Farina J, Cousirat M,..Mendoza I, et al . Neglected Tropical Disease and other Infectious Diseases affecting the Heart . Global Heart 2020 Sep 1;15(1):60. doi: 10.5334/gh.867.
8-Gonzalez K, Mendoza I, Mendoza B I, Morr I, Meza Y, Finizola V, Urbaez
E, Terzic C, Medina Inojosa J, López-Jimenez F, Martínez N. Riesgo
arrítmico a largo plazo en la Miocarditis por Zika. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2020; 73
(Supl 1):1058 6083-616
9-Mendoza I, Gonzalez K, Mendoza B I, et al . Long term Heart failure risk in Zika Myocarditis .Circularon 2020;142 November in Press
10-Mendoza I,..Mendoza M I,et al. Leadless Pacemaker implantation in patient paroxysmal complete Atrioventricular Block .Circulation 2020 November ;142 in Press