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Europe & Central Asia

Europe & Central Asia is the region most affected by noncommunicable diseases, with cardiovascular disease being responsible for more than half of all deaths across the region.

Europe and Central Asia have the highest prevalence of tobacco smoking among adults aged 15 and older as well as the highest alcohol consumption levels in the world.


of all deaths in Europe and Central Asia are due to noncommunicable diseases


people die in the region every year because of CVD

Europe & Central Asia have the highest proportion of smokers in the world

Our Members

British Heart Foundation
Georgian Heart Foundation

Georgian Heart Foundation

Heart Research UK
Heart Valve Voice
Inoca International
Kalangos Foundation
Russian Society of Cardiology

Latest News

World Heart Federation announces new branded digital series, Beats of Change, to be produced by BBC StoryWorks

Can we change the future of heart health? Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is responsible for nearly one-third of all deaths globally, affecting hundreds of millions of people each year. Yet while its impact is widespread, it is not uniform. Disparities in access to care, prevention, and treatment mean that certain communities face worse outcomes. Despite this, […]

Emerging Leaders Programme 2025: Applications are now open

Applications are now open for the Emerging Leaders Programme 2025, which will focus on leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of cardiovascular disease (CVD), with an emphasis on Implementation Science. Now in its eleventh year, the WHF Emerging Leaders Programme provides training and networking opportunities in cardiovascular health policy and implementation research for healthcare practitioners, […]

Shaping a Stronger Global Plan of Action on Climate Change and Health: Key Recommendations for Impact

Agenda Item 22 – Climate Change and Health This constituency statement was led and delivered by the World Heart Federation, on behalf of 10 organisations, at the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board.   Constituency Statement This statement is made by the World Heart Federation on behalf of the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control, […]

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Acting on Pollution for Better Cardiovascular Health

Agenda Item 20: The impact of chemicals, waste and pollution on human health This statement was delivered by the World Heart Federation at the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board   Honourable Chair, Distinguished Delegates, We thank the Director-General for the report and applaud Member States for their recognition of pollution as a risk […]

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Women & CVD

The most common heart attack symptom, in both men and women, is some type of chest pain, pressure or discomfort. But chest pain is not always the most noticeable symptom, especially in women, who are more likely to experience it as pressure or tightness in the chest. They may even have no chest pain at […]