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PHFI announces eLearning courses 2020-2021 on Health Promotion and Tobacco Control

19 May, 2020

The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) is a public private initiative that has collaboratively evolved as a response to redress the limited institutional capacity in India for strengthening training, research and policy development in the area of Public Health. These courses commenced in 2011 as a capacity-building initiative for those looking to gain a […]

A new virus but a known target: stepping up the case for heart health

18 May, 2020

By the beginning of 2020, when we heard of a novel coronavirus and its potentially severe consequences, the race was on to learn everything we could and should about it. Before long, and with so much still to be discovered, an unfortunate trend emerged: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) or Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) […]

73rd WHA: Statement from WHF and the Global Coalition

18 May, 2020

The World Heart Federation, supported by the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health, applauds WHO’s relentless commitment to science, solutions, and solidarity in fighting this viral storm. Heads of State, policy makers, and civil society must unite in their support for WHO’s crucial leading role. The COVID-19 pandemic has left no country unscathed; health systems face […]

WHF Partners with ACC for Dedicated Week of Action on NCDs

13 May, 2020

In age of COVID-19, non-communicable diseases put patients at increased risk of complications WASHINGTON (May 13, 2020) — Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and chronic lung diseases, are the cause of over 70% of deaths worldwide. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, high-risk patients—particularly those with pre-existing conditions like heart disease—make the prevention […]

WHO’s Walk the Talk: Health for All Challenge goes virtual!

13 May, 2020

The World Health Organization (WHO) is taking the third Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge virtual this year, which will be held over 16-17 May 2020 with people invited to join in from their homes wherever they are located in the world. In light of COVID-19, Walk the Talk offers an even more global […]

The Global Coalition of Circulatory Health stands with WHO

6 May, 2020

28 April, Global Coalition. We applaud the World Health Organization (WHO)’s relentless commitment to science, solutions, and solidarity with all nations in fighting this viral storm. All Heads of States should be united in their support for the Director-General, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and his excellent, hard-working staff. We urge President Trump to reconsider his […]

WHF to UN: Fight tobacco industry pandemic of misinformation

5 May, 2020

Geneva, Switzerland, May 5. The World Heart Federation (WHF) supports the call to the United Nations (UN) to include the tobacco industry misinformation in the efforts to battle the COVID-19 “misinfodemic.” The call is embodied in a letter dated April 30, 2020, wherein 52 public health movers from all over the world wrote to the […]

Prof Kay-Tee Khaw recognized with WHF Award for Outstanding Contribution to Cardiovascular Health

Prof Kay-Tee Khaw recognized with WHF Award for Outstanding Contribution to Cardiovascular Health

28 April, 2020

WHF is thrilled to present the WHF Award for Outstanding Contribution to Cardiovascular Health to Prof Kay-Tee Khaw, a British physician and academic specialising in the maintenance of health in later life and the causes and prevention of chronic diseases. She has been Professor of Clinical Gerontology at the University of Cambridge since 1989 and a Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge since 1991. Khaw was […]

The Heart Foundation of Malaysia raises awareness of CVD among Malaysian women

21 April, 2020

In February 2020, the Heart Foundation of Malaysia (THFM) organized an event to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease among Malaysian women. The programme was organised by THFM in collaboration with the Department of National Unity & Integration (DNUI) of Terengganu State, Terengganu State Health Department (TSHD) and ITEDRI Campus. THFM’s project has been funded through […]

WHF calls on G20 to act fast to protect the most vulnerable

17 April, 2020

Geneva, 17 April, WHF: In an open letter to G20 Heads of State, meeting virtually this Sunday, the World Heart Federation (WHF) calls for an equitable and generous emergency response to COVID-19. The proposed urgent measures include ensuring equal access to treatment and care, scaling up prevention in poor areas, addressing the shortage of health […]

Healthcare professional checking a little girls fingers whilst the girl is covering her mouth laughing - screening for Chagas

Celebrating World Chagas Day for the first time to help give visibility to this neglected disease

13 April, 2020

Starting this year, 14 April will serve to give visibility in the global health agenda to the challenges faced by people affected by Chagas disease, most of which live in low-income contexts and highly vulnerable health conditions. 13 April. From a world under lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic. For the first time in the […]