The 2019 Emerging Leaders Seminar took place in Missenden Abbey, UK and brought together a team of Emerging Leaders from 16 countries across five continents. Between 13 and 18 October 2019, 25 participants from 16 countries attended the sixth World Heart Federation (WHF) Salim Yusuf Emerging Leaders Seminar at Missenden Abbey, UK. So far, the […]
Bangkok (30 October, 2019) – Global public health groups called on the ILO Governing Body to reject tobacco donations and tap tobacco taxes as funding source; as well as to espouse strict regulations on labor standards in order to eliminate concerns such as hazardous working conditions and child labor. The letter addressed to the “Director General of […]
I am a medical doctor and a public health practitioner with more than 12 years of experience, currently the Chief Executive Officer of Kenya Cardiac Society (KCS). I have been providing strategic leadership and management for Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) programmes across the country covering cardiovascular diseases, asthma, diabetes and cancer. I am a member of […]
Following a call for applications in the summer of 2019, we are very excited to announce that ten distinguished air pollution and CVD experts from around the world have been approved by the WHF Board to form the new Air Pollution Expert Group (APEG). Air pollution is rapidly being recognized as one of the most significant […]
On World Heart Day, we are celebrating Heart Heroes … people from all walks of life who have shown commitment, courage, empathy, and care in relation to heart health. “A positive outlook on life and a desire to try new things can make your heart healthier.” I was born in 1928 and I turned 91 years old […]
The World Heart Federation has released its new Advocacy Strategy 2019-2020: Advocating like Investors. Why an Advocacy Strategy? The new Advocacy Strategy aims to specify what WHF wants to achieve through advocacy by 2022, including broad goals and detailed objectives. It will guide our work and help us measure success over the next four years. […]
On World Heart Day, we are celebrating Heart Heroes … people from all walks of life who have shown commitment, courage, empathy, and care in relation to heart health. “I’m motivated to counsel people on paying attention to their heart and any signs that there may be trouble.” I was in what I thought was very good […]
On World Heart Day, we are celebrating Heart Heroes … people from all walks of life who have shown commitment, courage, empathy, and care in relation to heart health. “My promise for World Heart Day is to stay focused on taking care of my health and to ensure that I’m around to have a good, long and […]
On World Heart Day, we are celebrating Heart Heroes … people from all walks of life who have shown commitment, courage, empathy, and care in relation to heart health. “My promise for World Heart Day is to help increase awareness of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM), a uniformly fatal disease, to ensure early diagnosis and treatment so that […]
On 22 September world leaders met in New York for the United Nations General Assembly, a jam-packed week of meetings, discussions, and side events organized around the most pressing global issues. The World Heart Federation was proud to represent our Members and the cardiovascular community at the highest levels of global governance, including at the UN High-Level Meeting […]
On World Heart Day, we are celebrating Heart Heroes … people from all walks of life who have shown commitment, courage, empathy, and care in relation to heart health. “Most cardiologists have never knowingly seen a patient with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM), so they often miss the diagnosis.” I’m 71 years old. For more than a decade, […]