people are killed every year by CVD in South-East Asia
Cardiovascular disease accounts for nearly one third of all deaths in South-East Asia, killing 4 million people every year.
In addition to high blood pressure and unhealthy diet, air pollution is one of the key risk factors for CVD in the region, accounting for nearly 17% of all deaths and 28% of CVD-related deaths.
people are killed every year by CVD in South-East Asia
Deaths from noncommunicable diseases have risen by 58% in the last 30 years
Air pollution is responsible for nearly 1 in 3 CVD-related deaths in the region
Agenda Item 22 – Climate Change and Health This constituency statement was led and delivered by the World Heart Federation, on behalf of 10 organisations, at the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board. Constituency Statement This statement is made by the World Heart Federation on behalf of the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control, […]
Climate Change
Agenda Item 20: The impact of chemicals, waste and pollution on human health This statement was delivered by the World Heart Federation at the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board Honourable Chair, Distinguished Delegates, We thank the Director-General for the report and applaud Member States for their recognition of pollution as a risk […]
Air Pollution
Agenda Item 14: Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health This statement was delivered by the World Heart Federation at the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board Honourable Chair, Distinguished Delegates, We thank the Director-General for the report, highlighting both progress and gaps in efforts to implement the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s […]
Women & CVD
FTFA Statement | 156th WHO Executive Board 2025 This statement was delivered by the World Heart Federation, on behalf of the Fight the Fakes Alliance, at the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board Honourable Chair, Distinguished Delegates, The World Heart Federation, supported by the Fight the Fakes Alliance, welcomes the independent evaluation of […]