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Heart Heroes

Hear from caregivers, cardiologists, patients and their family members – all heroes among us, battling, treating and beating heart disease.
If you’d like to nominate a Heart Hero or are a Heart Hero yourself and would like to share your story, please contact [email protected].

Dr Luis Moya Jiménez

Dr Luis Moya Jiménez

Founder and President of the Colombian League against Heart Disease and Hypertension


Alejandro Asprella

Alejandro Asprella

Diagnosed with high cholesterol and hypertension


Marlene Oliveira

Marlene Oliveira

President of Instituto Lado a Lado pela Vida


Koenraad Verhagen

Koenraad Verhagen

Diagnosed with amyloidosis


Dr John Pasternak

Dr John Pasternak

Living with cardiac amyloidosis


Shirley Ingram

Shirley Ingram

Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) Cardiology at Tallaght University Hospital


Rita Akiki

Rita Akiki

Heart Failure Nurse and Educator


Chris Rylands

Chris Rylands

Diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease

United Kingdom

Dr Martina Brückmann

Dr Martina Brückmann

Global Medical Head of late-stage Clinical Development Cardio-Metabolism & Respiratory at Boehringer Ingelheim


The Heart Hero series consists of personal testimonials that patients, practitioners, caregivers, and others wish to offer and share in their own authentic voice. Any examples of diagnoses, care, treatment, medical processes, or recommendations mentioned in the stories are provided independently of WHF’s policy or scientific and technical outputs.