Happy New Year from all of us at WHF! We hope that you had a lovely holiday season and you will be blessed with much heart health in 2019. We are happy to share our End of Year Review 2018, which highlights some of the major achievements that we have driven and been a part […]
The Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI) is a public-private initiative that has collaboratively evolved as a response to redress the limited institutional capacity in India for strengthening training, research and policy development in the area of public health. (www.phfi.org). These courses commenced in 2011 as a capacity building initiative for those looking to gain […]
PLOS ONE recently published a paper by members of the 2016 Emerging Leaders cohort, which looks at the costs of implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in specific countries and identifies potential financing sources. The goal of the FACTc team, which includes Ce Shang, Amit Yadav, Michal Stoklosa, Anna Kontsevaya, Fabian B. Lewis, […]
“As the pace of global health challenges accelerates, so too must our ability to respond. These challenges include an aging global population, a geographic shift from rural to urban areas, the viral spread of commercial determinants of health, and a transition to a faster–paced life requiring greater convenience. One significant result is the merging of […]
The World Heart Federation (WHF) and the Argentine Society of Cardiology had a joint session at the 44th Argentine Congress of Cardiology on Healthy Lifestyle. Our President Prof David Wood had the honour to present ‘The World Strategy of Diet, Physical Activity and Healthy Living of the World Heart Federation’ based on the recently launched White […]
Preventive musical tour of Dr. César Berenstein and “Los Guardianes del Botiquín” [the kit guardians] Our motto is to promote health as an optimistic fact, instead of preventing diseases that takes us to the nightmare of picturing us as ill. They want to stimulate the population with changes of habit to improve their lives more […]
Dr Rushd Fadhil Al-Shama, summarises the inspiring Panel discussion on ‘Tobacco and Youth” of which she was a speaker and moderator My name is Rushd Fadhil Al-Shama, a medical graduate from Dubai, currently undergoing a research master in cardiovascular science in the Netherlands. I took part in a panel discussion about the tobacco issue in the […]
On 4-5 December 2018, the 3rd Global Summit on Circulatory Health brought together international, continental and national organizations and leaders in health, academia, civil society and the private sector to drive action on the timely issue of access to essential medicines and technologies. The case for improved access to essential medicines is compelling – nearly […]
“Whatever you call it, 20 years, 40 years… It’s nice to have a number that justifies the celebration, but I would celebrate the World Heart Federation every year if you’re asking me.” – WHF Past President Valentin Fuster Over the last 40 years, the World Heart Federation has advocated for a simple idea: Every Heartbeat […]
Lindsay Robertson, our Emerging Leader from the 2016 ‘Tobacco Control’ themed cohort is working in The Tobacco Control Research Group (led by Prof Anna Gilmore) of the University of Bath which has recently been awarded a substantial grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies to set up a global tobacco industry watchdog (more info here). To this end, […]
In 2017, the World Heart Federation formed a dedicated Taskforce to take targeted action that will contribute to the implementation of the RHD Resolution. The Taskforce was split into three working groups to tackle the three priorities of: Policy & Advocacy; Prevention, Control and Medical Management; and Access to Cardiac Surgery for RHD. Three meetings […]