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WHO publishes HEARTS Technical Package modules

7 March, 2018

Today the World Health Organization (WHO) published the six modules that make up the HEARTS technical package, a WHF-supported initiative which provides a strategic approach to improving cardiovascular health at the national level. More people die from cardiovascular diseases than from any other cause, and over three-quarters of heart disease and stroke related deaths occur […]

World Heart Federation attends CardioEgypt 2018

7 March, 2018

The World Heart Federation (WHF) was delighted and honoured to attend the 45th Annual International Congress of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology “CardioEgypt 2018”, one of the largest cardiovascular meetings in North Africa and the Middle East. The conference took place from 26 February-1 March 2018 in Cairo, Egypt and was organized by our member, […]

Announcing the 2018 Emerging Leaders cohort

7 March, 2018

The 2018 Emerging Leaders cohort, which includes candidates from 17 countries across 5 continents, has been announced. The Emerging Leaders Programme was created by the World Heart Federation to form and develop a long-term cadre of experts who collaborate, research, and act to reduce premature mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD) globally. The 2017-2018 cohort marks the […]

WHF Executive Committee meets in Brussels

6 March, 2018

The World Heart Federation Executive Committee met in Brussels, Belgium on 1-2 March, kindly hosted by the European Society of Cardiology. The main topic of discussion was the review of our membership benefits and governance structure. As a follow-up to the 2017 members’ survey and strategy review, WHF is revisiting its governance to ensure better […]

WHF pledges support for #QuitBigTobacco initiative

2 March, 2018

The World Heart Federation has pledged not to work with agencies that work with Big Tobacco, and encourage our members to do the same. We support the #QuitBigTobacco initiative, which aims to make sure that health organizations aren’t unknowingly aiding and abetting the tobacco industry by working with the very same ad agencies that promote […]

WHO announces Civil Society Working Group for UN High-level Meeting on NCDs

2 March, 2018

The World Health Organization has announced the members of the Civil Society Working Group on the third UN High-level Meeting on NCDs, which will take place later this year. The Working Group is comprised of 26 civil society representatives and will be co-chaired by NCD Alliance CEO Katie Dain and WHO Assistant Director-General Svetlana Axelrod. […]

U.S. House of Representatives introduces CVD Resolution

1 March, 2018

On 27 February, following vigorous advocacy efforts from our members and partners the American Heart Association, New Jersey Representative Chris Smith introduced a resolution in the U.S. House of Representatives recognizing the rise of cardiovascular disease as the “world’s leading cause of preventable death and disability and as the global public health crisis of our […]

E-learning courses from the Public Health Foundation of India

1 March, 2018

Emerging Leaders faculty member and Director of the Public Health Foundation of India  (PHFI) has shared with us two e-learning courses that may be of interest to Emerging Leaders and others: a certificate course on tobacco control and a post-graduate diploma in health promotion. Certificate Course on Tobacco Control (CCTC) This course aims to […]

The World Heart Federation and Access Accelerated join forces for Cardiovascular Health

1 March, 2018

The World Heart Federation has partnered with leading international health consortium Access Accelerated (AA) in our efforts to strengthen cardiovascular health and care. The aim of this partnership is to strengthen and accelerate the World Heart Federation’s current advocacy projects at the global and national level. In the framework of this partnership, the World Heart […]

Today is Rare Disease Day!

28 February, 2018

About Rare Disease Day Rare Disease Day is a globally celebrated date established to bring a greater awareness to uncommon conditions. In Europe, a disease that impacts fewer than 1 in 2,000 people is considered rare. Due to their less substantial numbers, these diseases are the last to be talked about and advocated for, while […]

WHF attends meeting of Coalition for Access to NCD Medicines and Products

22 February, 2018

Last week, WHF CEO Jean-Luc Eiselé and World Hypertension League President Daniel Lackland attended a meeting of the Coalition for Access to NCD Medicines and Products, a PATH initiative dedicated to increasing access to essential medicines and health products for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) to reduce the impact of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular […]