Throughout August and September, a number of Members of the World Heart Federation participated in the Committee Meetings for four WHO (World Health Organization) regions: Africa, Europe, Southeast Asia and the Americas. Taking place annually, the regional meetings are held to determine regional health policy and to approve programmes of work, and each of the […]
Left to right: WHF CEO Jean-Luc Eiselé, WHF President-Elect Karen Sliwa-Hahnle, WHF President David Wood On the occasion of World Heart Day, World Heart Federation President David Wood and CEO Jean-Luc Eiselé have “shared the power” in the form of blog posts online. Read David Wood’s post on the Huffington Post here, and Jean-Luc Eiselé’s […]
Today is World Heart Day! In honor of this meaningful day dedicated to cardiovascular health, Elsevier is pleased to provide free access to some of the top articles from our cardiology journals. All articles are freely available through October 31, 2017, start reading and feel free to share them with your colleagues! American Heart Journal […]
Changes to European food and drink policies could reduce burden of heart disease and stroke by 50% Dietary risks are responsible for around half of the death and disability caused by cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Europe[i], where this devastating disease remains the leading cause of death for men and women, and where 85 million people […]
The Heart Foundation in New Zealand will be the first to light the torch for World Heart Day this Friday, 29 September as the Sky Tower pulsates red to raise awareness for the world’s number one killer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), which includes heart disease and stroke. This year, the Heart Foundation is also using World […]
Today, CVD is responsible for claiming 17.5 million lives a year By 2030 this is expected to rise to 23 million. Globally, 1 in 10 people aged 30-70 die prematurely from CVD, including heart disease and stroke, but the good news is that at least 80% of these premature deaths could be avoided or postponed. […]
David Wood, President, World Heart Federation talks about the global importance of World Heart Day and how vital our members are in supporting this increasingly powerful campaign.
18 September 2017 | Geneva/New York – Governments must step up efforts to control noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) to meet globally agreed targets, including preventing the premature deaths of millions of people from these conditions, according to a new WHO report released today. Limited national progress has been made in the fight against NCDs – primarily […]
Left to Right: Professor D. Prabhakaran, Professor K. Srinath Reddy, Shri. Baijayant Panda, Honourable Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), Shri. Amitabh Kant, CEO Niti Aayog and Dr Sandeep Bhalla, Programme Director, Trainings, Centre for Chronic Conditions and Injuries, PHFI In recognition of Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI)’s outstanding contribution to skill building initiatives […]
The Secretariat of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) notes the launch of the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, led by a former official of the World Health Organization. The Convention Secretariat regards this tobacco industry-funded initiative as a clear attempt to breach the WHO FCTC by interfering in public policy. It […]
The coalition, led by PATH, brings together multisectoral partners to reduce the toll of noncommunicable diseases, including diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. New York, September 18, 2017—A multisectoral partnership today launched a first-of-its-kind global coalition dedicated to increasing access to essential medicines and health products to prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and conditions, including […]