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Think Tank: What Does Rheumatic Heart Disease Research Look Like in 10 Years’ Time?

Saturday, 4 November
Start time: 9:00 am End time: 10:30 am
Yas Grand 1,2,3

Jagat Narula
World Heart Federation

Shahryar Sheikh
Doctors Hospital Lahore


View from the inside: What are the current strengths and weaknesses of research in ARF and RHD? How do we make the most of the next decade?
Mark Engel (South African Medical Research Council)

View from the outside: How do we maximise the benefits of research for ARF and RHD patients? How do we make the most of the next decade?
Anna Norrby-Teglund (Karolinska Institutet)

Anna Ralph
Menzies School of Health Research

Tom Parks
Imperial College London

Emmy Okello
Uganda Heart Institute

Michael Baker
University of Otago