Station 1: Rapid Molecular Testing Aids Timely Diagnosis Of Strep A Infection In New Zealand Children With Acute Rheumatic Fever
Station 2: ECG evolution after hydroxychloroquine treatment in acute rheumatic fever – data from HYDRxARF
Station 3: Humoral Immune Responses To Streptococcus Pyogenes Within A Household Cohort Study In The Gambia
Station 4: Targeted Profiling Of The Oropharyngeal Microbiota In Patients With Severe Rheumatic Heart Disease: A Case-Control Study
Station 5: In Vitro Model Of Valvular Fibrosis: Valve Interstitial Cells Of Oryctolagus Cuniculus Induced By Transforming Growth Factor- I1, Interleukin-1, Interleukin-6, And Tumor Necrosis Factor-I
Station 6: Strep A Pharyngitis Rates In Children Living In Urban Australia Emerging After The COVID-19 Pandemic
Tom Parks
Imperial College London