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World Heart Day and ICCPR

Gabriela Ghisi

ICCPR, International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation , Toronto

"I used ♥ to: say yes to cardiac rehabilitation "

During the month of September and in the days leading up to September 29, 2024, the International Council of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (ICCPR) came together to celebrate World Heart Day with a powerful initiative that highlighted the significance of cardiac rehabilitation in promoting heart health. This year’s theme centered on what ICCPR members say "Yes" to when it comes to preventing and managing cardiovascular disease (CVD).

The heart of the celebration was a vibrant video featuring 11 ICCPR members from six countries. In this engaging visual narrative, they shared their personal commitments and collective aspirations for enhancing cardiovascular health. Each member spoke passionately about the vital aspects of heart health they support, creating a mosaic of shared values and goals.

Their responses resonated with a commitment to fostering healthier hearts and included:

- Exercise: Advocating for regular physical activity to strengthen the heart and improve overall well-being.
- Sitting Less: Emphasizing the importance of reducing sedentary behavior to enhance cardiovascular fitness.
- Prevention: Advocating for proactive measures to prevent heart disease before it occurs.
- Safe Recovery Through Cardiac Rehabilitation: Highlighting the need for structured rehabilitation programs that support safe and effective recovery after cardiac events.
- Taking Your Medications Properly: Stressing the importance of adhering to prescribed medications to manage cardiovascular conditions effectively.
- Hearing Patients' Voices: Recognizing the significance of patient feedback and experiences in shaping effective cardiac care.
- Healthy Diet: Promoting nutritious eating habits to fuel the body and prevent heart disease.
- Including All Patients: Committing to inclusive practices that ensure equitable access to cardiovascular rehabilitation and prevention resources.
- Unified Efforts: Calling for a cohesive approach among healthcare professionals to address the complexities of heart health.
- Global Collaboration: Encouraging partnerships across nations and disciplines to improve cardiovascular care worldwide.

The video was shared widely across all ICCPR social media channels, reaching over 20,000 viewers and igniting conversations about the collective responsibility to support cardiovascular health initiatives.

In addition to the video, ICCPR mobilized efforts to advocate for cardiac rehabilitation by promoting WHF's first global petition. They created a dedicated form on their website and shared the petition multiple times on social media, encouraging individuals to lend their voices to this critical cause.

To facilitate in-person engagement, ICCPR developed promotional cards with QR codes, allowing attendees at the Global Forum on Cardiac Rehabilitation in London, UK, on August 29, 2024, to sign the petition easily. This strategic move helped amplify the message and engage participants directly.

Remarkably, all these initiatives were executed with a budget of $0, thanks to the voluntary efforts of ICCPR Executive members who dedicated their time and energy to this important cause. Their passion and commitment allowed ICCPR to celebrate World Heart Day effectively, engaging a global audience and advocating for the vital role of cardiac rehabilitation in improving heart health.

Through their unified voice, ICCPR not only celebrated the day but also inspired individuals and communities to take action toward healthier hearts for all.