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In 2019, cardiovascular disease caused 18.6 million deaths worldwide. But how has the number of deaths changed over time? And which countries experience the highest burden? Below, you can explore the global impact of cardiovascular disease.

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Cardiovascular Disease Data

Cardiovascular Disease Data

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Health Systems & Policies Data

Data for "Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship", reclassified for the purposes of the World Heart Observatory

Data for "Protecting people from tobacco smoke", reclassified for the purposes of the World Heart Observatory

Data for "Warning about the dangers of tobacco", reclassified for the purposes of the World Heart Observatory

Data for "Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies", reclassified for the purposes of the World Heart Observatory

Health Systems & Policies Data

Data for "Enforcing bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship", reclassified for the purposes of the World Heart Observatory

Data for "Protecting people from tobacco smoke", reclassified for the purposes of the World Heart Observatory

Data for "Warning about the dangers of tobacco", reclassified for the purposes of the World Heart Observatory

Data for "Monitoring tobacco use and prevention policies", reclassified for the purposes of the World Heart Observatory

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Obesity Prevalence, Overweight Prevalence, Diabetes Prevalence, Raised Blood Pressure Prevalence, Mean Systolic Blood Pressure, Mean Non-HDL Cholesterol

Total Physical Activity, Mean Dietary Sodium Intake, Mean Alcohol Consumption, Tobacco Smoking Prevalence, Ambient Air Pollution

Obesity Prevalence, Overweight Prevalence, Diabetes Prevalence, Raised Blood Pressure Prevalence, Mean Systolic Blood Pressure, Mean Non-HDL Cholesterol

Total Physical Activity, Mean Dietary Sodium Intake, Mean Alcohol Consumption, Tobacco Smoking Prevalence, Ambient Air Pollution

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NCD Countdown 2030

NCD Countdown 2030


What country experienced the highest total number deaths caused by CVD in 1990, and how has that changed over the last 27 years?

Did you know?

Italy has the highest prevalence rate of CVD, and Bulgaria has the highest death rate. In many European countries, the CVD death rate is higher among women, whereas in the Maghreb it is higher among men.

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