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Exploring strategies for achieving Universal Health Coverage at EB154

25 January, 2024

This is a statement made at the WHO Executive Board Meeting (EB154) on Agenda Item 6 by the World Heart Federation on behalf of the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control, International Diabetes Federation, International Society of Nephrology, World Hypertension League, and World Stroke Organization.  While we welcome the WHO and Member States’ recommitment to achieving UHC […]

Discussing WHO’s 14th General Programme of Work at EB154

22 January, 2024

This is a statement made at the WHO Executive Board Meeting (EB154) on Agenda Item 24.3 coordinated by NCD Alliance and supported by the World Heart Federation and other global health organizations. Distinguished delegates, We welcome the draft GPW14 outline, including the proposed strategic objectives and associated outcomes addressing contextual challenges of the climate crisis, […]

Implementing the WHF Roadmap for Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease

22 January, 2024

“Through my secondary prevention programme, I have discovered the power of self-care and prioritising my health.” Such valuable patient testimony reflects the crucial need for access to follow-up treatment after a cardiac event such as a heart attack or stroke. The “know-how” exists. Every year, 20.5 million people die from cardiovascular disease (CVD), close to […]

New WHF Strategy 2024-2026: Cardiovascular Health For Everyone

18 January, 2024

The new WHF Strategy 2024-2026 outlines our vision, mission, and strategic objectives to make cardiovascular health a reality for everyone. In keeping with our mission to connect and lead the CVD community, establish science-based policy, and catalyse exchange of knowledge, these goals include serving as the trusted authority on cardiovascular health, fostering action for health […]

WHF Welcomes COP28 Agreements

15 December, 2023

This year’s Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – more commonly known as COP – was perhaps the largest-ever meeting convened to address the ongoing challenges of climate change. It was a landmark year for the global health community, and despite some shortcomings in the final texts of […]

Cardiovascular health and Universal Health Coverage: Towards a healthier, more equitable world

12 December, 2023

Despite major reductions, cardiovascular disease (CVD) continues to be the world’s number one killer, representing over one-third of all causes of mortality globally. Eighty percent of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where the mortality burden is predicted to rise even further. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day serves as an annual reminder […]

Use ❤️ to Season with Sense: Chicken Caesar Salad

11 December, 2023

A healthy diet is key to preventing cardiovascular disease and its risk factors, such as diabetes and obesity. The World Heart Federation and LoSalt are releasing a series of healthy recipes ahead of the holiday season, encouraging everyone to Use ❤️ to Season with Sense.  Prep: 15 minutes Cook: 7-8 minutes Serves: 4   […]

The EU must vote to create a health plan that tackles the biggest killer

8 December, 2023

Strasbourg, 8 December 2023 – Members of Parliament (MEPs) at 2023’s ending plenary session, 11-14 December, are being urged to prioritise health and help defeat the continent’s most pervasive health threat: cardiovascular disease (CVD). Leading the call is a grouping of 18 partners making up the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health (EACH). They emphasise an […]

Save the Date: World Heart Summit 2024

7 December, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that the next World Heart Summit will be held in May 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland, ahead of the 77th World Health Assembly. Trailblazers across government, business, civil society and academia will come together to tackle some of today’s most pressing global challenges in cardiovascular health. Together, we can pave […]

Data at the Heart: A new World Heart Podcast series

7 December, 2023

The World Heart Federation is thrilled to announce the launch of a new podcast series called Data at the Heart, which will explore the crucial role of data in shaping strategies and interventions to reduce the global impact of cardiovascular disease. The series will take listeners on a journey through the world of CVD facts […]

WHF at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference

4 December, 2023

Our Policy and Advocacy Manager Kelcey Armstrong-Walenczak is bringing us updates from the ground at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in the UAE (30 November – 12 December), where leaders from governments, businesses, NGOs and civil society are gathered to find concrete solutions to climate change. The COP28 climate negotiations in Dubai proved […]