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chagas woman sat on street in Bolivia

‘Chagas Disease – Breaking the Silence’

13 May, 2019

Chagas Disease affects more than 7 million people worldwide, but only 1 in 10 are diagnosed and less than 1% receive treatment. When left untreated, Chagas can cause serious heart and digestive system problems – 12,000 people die each year from causes associated with the disease. Chagas often affects the poorest and most marginalised, and like other neglected tropical diseases, it has been […]

RHD Resolution – one year on

13 May, 2019

On 25 May last year, the World Health Organization and its Member States took a momentous step as they adopted a Resolution on Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease at the World Health Assembly in Geneva. In recognition of the urgent need to prevent and control RF and RHD, 23 different countries across 5 continents […]

World Health Organisation Logo

WHO unveils sweeping reforms in drive towards “triple billion” targets

10 May, 2019

On 6 March, WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced the details of far-reaching organisational reform and the reshuffling of the WHO’s top leadership. The new structure aims to reduce “silos” within the organisation and to promote “one WHO”. For example, there will only be one Deputy Director-General (DDG) reporting to Dr Tedros:  Zsuzsanna Jakab, […]

WHF attends UN Interactive Hearing on UHC

10 May, 2019

On 20 April, the President of the UN General Assembly and the World Health Organization (WHO) convened an interactive hearing with non-state actors as part of the preparatory process for the UN High Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) on 23 September 2019. The hearing was an opportunity for civil society and other stakeholders […]

Advancing heart health in Kenya

9 May, 2019

The burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is significant in Kenya, where heart diseases cause 25 percent of hospital admissions and 13 percent of deaths. To tackle this health challenge, the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Kenya joined forces with the Kenya Cardiac Society (KCS) and the World Heart Federation (WHF) to […]

Meet our Emerging Leaders: Marie Chan Sun, 2016

8 May, 2019

What motivated you to enter the field of medicine? Marie : I embarked on medical studies because of my perception as a youth that our human body works perfectly and there is need to prevent disorders to maintain its work as far as it can go. Today I am an academic staff involved in Public […]

WHF joins WHO call on food industry to eliminate artificial trans fat

8 May, 2019

Along with Resolve to Save Lives, NCD Alliance, and the American Heart Association, WHF has added our voice to the WHO’s call for industry to replace artificial trans fat by directly calling on dozens of major food, fat, and oil industry players to commit to elimination by 2023. The below letter was sent on 1 May […]

International Society of Nephrology shines a light on kidney health policy in Asia and Pacific

23 April, 2019

The International Society of Nephrology (ISN), a member of the Global Coalition for Circulatory Health, held its biannual World Congress of Nephrology Forum in Melbourne – 12 to 15 April 2019.  The ISN Global Kidney Policy Forum, held on the Friday 13 April, focused on the quality, sustainability and equity of access to kidney care […]

More research urgently needed to treat and prevent cardiovascular disease

18 April, 2019

Sophia Antipolis, 15 April 2019:  Heart disease remains the world’s leading cause of death, and today top European scientists outlined their battle plans for the coming years, calling for more investment in research. This call-to-action was produced by the EU-funded ERA–CVD, a coalition of 24 partners including the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).1 “In spite […]

Chagas: The time is now to end 110 years of neglect, Llega el momento de acabar con 110 años de invisibilidad - a girl in her room

Chagas: The time is now to end 110 years of neglect, Llega el momento de acabar con 110 años de invisibilidad

11 April, 2019

[English] The people affected by Chagas disease will claim this 14th of April as World Chagas Day in the hope of increasing global awareness, and building on the progress already made against this disease, which has been neglected for more than one century. 11 April 2019.   The International Federation of Associations of People Affected […]

Meet our Emerging Leaders: Kamilu Karaye, 2014

10 April, 2019

Discover another inspiring Emerging Leader story… Kamilu Karaye, a member of the 2014 cohort, shares his experience. As a young boy, I was first inspired by the zeal to treat the sick and help others. Definitely, my first motivation was my father, who always believed in me and encouraged me. He taught us to always think […]