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Call for input: NCD Alliance advocacy priorities for the 2018 High-Level Meeting on NCDs

16 November, 2017

The 2018 United Nations High-level Meeting on NCDs (UN HLM), which will likely take place in September at the UN Headquarters in New York, will be the third High-level Meeting on NCDs. The meeting provides a platform for governments to review progress made since the 2011 Political Declaration on NCDs and the 2014 Outcome Document […]

Listen to my Heart – Patient Awareness Event in Kampala

16 November, 2017

On 1st November 2017, the Uganda Heart Institute (UHI) Rheumatic Heart Disease Support Group and RHD Action – of which the World Heart Federation is a founding member – hosted an interactive event entitled ‘Listen to my Heart’ at the Mulago Guest House in Kampala, Uganda. Attended by people living with rheumatic heart disease (PLWRHD), […]

RHD Action Co-organizes RHD Stakeholder Meeting in Uganda

16 November, 2017

“RHD is a big problem here – it causes a lot of mortality. We have convened this meeting to find a way forward”, said Dr Emmy Okello, an interventional cardiologist at the Uganda Heart Institute, in his opening remarks to the RHD Uganda Stakeholders’ Meeting. Taking place from 2-3 November 2017 at the Protea Hotel […]

WHF at the AHA Scientific Sessions in Anaheim, California

15 November, 2017

AHA Scientific Sessions 2017 were held in Anaheim (California), USA, from November 11–15, aiming to provide a blueprint to the future of cardiovascular science and medicine. The World Heart Federation was present with a booth and held a reception on the evening of November 12.  The reception was attended by 80 guests, bringing together our […]

CVD prevention initiative in Patagonia, Argentina

13 November, 2017

Dr César Berenstein, a renowned cardiologist belonging to the Argentine Cardiology Society (WHF member) has recently embarked in an inspirational initiative related to CVD prevention. Since 2015 Dr Berenstein lives in the city EL Bolsón, located in the mountain chain of Río Negro province, Patagonia Argentina. It is part of an area known as Comarca […]

WHF attends the 30th Mexican Congress of Cardiology

9 November, 2017

From left to right: Jesús González (substituting Pablo Kuri Morales), WHF Board Member Daniel Piñeiro, José Luis Moragrega Adame, Prakash Deedwania and Fernando Petersen The XXX Mexican Congress was held in Guadalajara, Jalisco from 2-5 November 2017.  The scientific program included the main national and international cardiology societies, as well as renowned opinion leaders in […]

Improving physical activity in children: WHF collaborates in the Children in the City programme

2 November, 2017

The majority of European children are not meeting the recommended level of physical activity, putting their health and heart at risk. The World Heart Federation conducted the “Children in the City” pilot programme to encourage children living in urban areas to be more active and keep a healthy heart, as part of our partnership with […]

RHD Action Press Release: Uganda RHD Stakeholders’ Meeting

2 November, 2017

On 2-3 November 2017 RHD Action – of which World Heart Federation is a founding member – co-organized the Uganda RHD Stakeholders’ Meeting at the Protea Hotel in Kampala, Uganda. This event is hosted alongside the Ministry of Health of Uganda, Uganda Heart Institute (UHI), Children’s National Health System, and Case Western Reserve University. In […]

WHF attends the 43rd Congress of Cardiology in Argentina hosted by the Argentine Society of Cardiology

1 November, 2017

The Argentine Society of Cardiology (SAC) celebrated its 80 years at the 43rd Congress of Cardiology in Argentina held from 19-21 October 2017.  At the congress, the WHF was represented by President David Wood, Board Member Daniel Piñeiro and Senior Science Advisor Pablo Perel. The Congress was based on research and case studies of medical […]

Today is World Stroke Day

29 October, 2017

The World Stroke Organization, a membership organization representing over 55,000 professionals and many more stroke patients worldwide, has today called for urgent action to prevent stroke. The call, made in advance of World Stroke Day on the 29th October, comes in response to new data that shows stroke was responsible for over 116 million years […]

GW-ICC 2017 banner

WHF participates in the 28th Great Wall International Cardiology Conference 2017 (GW-ICC)

26 October, 2017

The 28th Great Wall International Cardiology Conference (GW-ICC) which took place 12-15 October 2017 in Beijing, China, was attended by WHF Board Member Daniel Piñeiro and Dr Nooshin Bazargani. This conference was jointly organized by more than 20 domestic and international cardiovascular academic organizations, covered 13 academic fields, 18 types of sessions, nearly 60 […]