n recognition of our leading position in cardiovascular health, the World Heart Federation was invited to participate in the 140th World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board. We gathered a large delegation of Member Partners, members, Board and staff to advocate for improved CVD prevention and control measures at the meeting. Addition of rheumatic heart […]
Be active in the fight against cancer This World Cancer Day, 4 February, the focus is on ‘showing your support through sport’: a chance to harness the collective power of professional and amateur sportspeople across the world to raise awareness of the need to fight cancer together. Why sport? Here’s the message from the […]
In 2019, Professor Karen Sliwa will become the first female World Heart Federation President (WHF) and the first from the African continent. Karen is regarded the world over as an innovative and critical thinker and a leader in cardiovascular disease (CVD). Karen is a clinician-scientist who trained as an internal medicine specialist and cardiologist, and […]
On Monday 30 January World Heart Federation’s Joanna Markbreiter delivered a statement under the section Promoting Health through the Life Course at the 140th Session of the WHO Executive Board in Geneva, Switzerland. The statement addressed Agenda Item 11.3 – the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health 2016-2030 – and focused on: • […]
On Tuesday 31 January, World Heart Federation’s Alastair White delivered a statement under the Health Systems agenda item at the 140th Session of the WHO Executive Board in Geneva, Switzerland. The statement was made during discussions on Agenda Item 8.7 – Promoting the Health of Migrants – and addressed: The burden of NCDs among […]
On 26 January, Professor Kathryn Taubert delivered a statement during discussions on the Global Shortage of Essential Medicines and Vaccines at the 140th Session of the World Health Organization Executive Board (or ‘EB 140’) in Geneva. The World Heart Federation statement she delivered focused on: Patient needs for CVD medicines, especially in LMICs […]
26 January is International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day: a day dedicated to promoting Kawasaki Disease, understanding its symptoms and driving the urgent need for early diagnosis to save children’s hearts Kawasaki Disease primarily affects young children at disease onset, though it can affect people at any age. The impacts of Kawasaki Disease for many […]
During today’s very first session of the 140th WHO Executive Board, it has been confirmed that rheumatic heart disease (RHD) shall be included as an Agenda Item at EB 141 in May 2017. RHD confirmed for discussion at EB 141 During today’s very first session of the 140th WHO Executive Board, it has been confirmed […]
The World Heart Federation is delighted to launch a new resource for our member community: CVD Advocacy Toolkit: The Road to 2018. The Toolkit is packed full of information, advocacy resources and practical guidance for all members who wish to engage in the lead-up to the United Nations High-Level Meeting on NCDs in 2018. […]
Think of the United Nations and what image springs to mind? Blue-helmeted peacekeepers, trying to control conflict situations? Multilingual technocrats in suits, out to ‘save the world’? A hot topic for today’s finger-pointing politicians? Popular perceptions of the United Nations can vary hugely, and often eclipse the UN’s basic function as an international organization made […]
WHF Advocacy Team are taking part in RHD Meeting From 13-16 January, the World Heart Federation Advocacy Team will be participating in ‘Rheumatic Heart Disease: from Molecules to the Global Community’, a conference on rheumatic heart disease (RHD) held in Cairo, Egypt. Co-organized by the Aswan Heart Centre and the Pan-African Society of Cardiology (PASCAR), […]