Countdown to Congress We have now extended the deadline to submit your abstracts by five days. This is an excellent opportunity to share your research with world leaders and over 10,000 delegates. Plus all accepted abstracts will be published in the highly regarded journal Archivos de Cardiología de México, as well as the World Heart […]
A survey looking at physical activity in children aged 7 to 12 living in Romanian low-income urban neighbourhood has revealed that less than a quarter of those interviewed reached the daily minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity recommended by the World Health Organization. To tackle this issue and promote physical activity, today the […]
The context for working with the food and beverage industry has evolved with the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals to guide development over the next 15 years. With this firmly in mind, the World Heart Federation policy document outlines a two-pronged approach to World Heart Federation working with the industry: • A hybrid business […]
The joint Pan African Society of Cardiology (PASCAR) Congress and the Cardiovascular Society of Mauritius CVS(M) was held at the InterContinental Resort Balaclava Fort, Mauritius from 03–07 October 2015. PASCAR 2015 convened clinicians, policymakers, researchers, advocates and other stakeholders from Africa and beyond to discuss topical cardiovascular issues and trends on the continent today. The […]
The Global Climate and Health Alliance works to ensure that health impacts are integrated into global, regional, national and local policy responses to climate change, in order to: encourage and support the health sector to lead by example in mitigating and adapting to climate change; and raise awareness of the health threats posed by climate […]
On 29 September 2015 – World Heart Day – the RHD Action Alliance were thrilled to be joined by more than 80 people in New York, including representatives from UN agencies, national governments, industry partners, health workers and people living with RHD to launch a new global movement: RHD Action. The moderator for the evening, MDG […]
This year World Heart Day fell right in the middle of the UN General Assembly which World Heart Federation Board members, senior leaders and our Advocacy team attended. On 25 September, New York, Member States adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, including a goal on NCDs. This is an historic moment, and the result of commitment […]
The Big Day is here and we are absolutely delighted to see the amazing amount of support for our cause there is around the world! We’re seeing so much activity on social media from individuals and organisations around the world. We can’t possibly cover all of them so here are a few highlights: • Bupa […]
EL 2016 (Tobacco focus): deadline for applications extended To give all prospective applicants the chance to make their entries, we are extending the submission deadline for 2016 Emerging Leaders to 12 October 2015. (Right link to the new website to be added to the CTA !!!!!)
Geneva, 24 September 2015 – The World Heart Federation is delighted to announce that Chief Executive Officer Johanna Ralston has been appointed Vice Chair of the NCD Alliance. As a founding member of the NCD Alliance, Johanna will take up the position of Vice Chair whilst continuing to represent the World Heart Federation and the fight against […]
RHD Action aims to end one of the most preventable killers of women and children This World Heart Day (29 September 2015), the RHD Action Alliance will launch its global movement to end one of the world’s most preventable killers of women and children: rheumatic heart disease (RHD). The World Heart Federation, as one of […]