Geneva, 24 September 2015 – The World Heart Federation is delighted to announce that Chief Executive Officer Johanna Ralston has been appointed Vice Chair of the NCD Alliance. As a founding member of the NCD Alliance, Johanna will take up the position of Vice Chair whilst continuing to represent the World Heart Federation and the fight against […]
RHD Action aims to end one of the most preventable killers of women and children This World Heart Day (29 September 2015), the RHD Action Alliance will launch its global movement to end one of the world’s most preventable killers of women and children: rheumatic heart disease (RHD). The World Heart Federation, as one of […]
World Heart Federation at the United Nations General Assembly on World Heart Day This month and coinciding with World Heart Day, the World Heart Federation travels to New York to participate in the UN General Assembly (UNGA). The atmosphere promises to be particularly exciting, as the city hosts not just the 70th UNGA, but also […]
World Heart Federation’s President, Dr. Salim Yusuf is featured in the August issue of The Lancet. The article reviews all the medical achievements of Dr. Yusuf since the cardiology research that made his name in the 1990s: the clinical trial SOLVD. In this article, Dr. Yusuf gives his insight on what has to be done […]
We wanted to create a standalone website to keep you up to date on everything that has to do with World Heart Day and give you access to all the support available for you own events and activities, in one place. On this website, you’ll find lots of general information about World Heart Day and […]
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to present your research to world leaders! The abstract programme extends across the spectrum of cardiovascular health, from prevention, diagnosis and treatment to advocacy and policy work. We encourage researchers and professionals working in all fields related to heart health, from pure research to program implementation, to submit […]
The applications for the Emerging Leaders 2015-2016 programme are now open and until 30 September. This is a great opportunity to develop your leadership skills and to learn more around a group of passionate people. This year, the focus is on tobacco prevention and control. For all the information, click here. We invite you to […]
Three CVD Roadmaps dedicated to secondary prevention, tobacco control and raised blood pressure have been developed by the World Heart Federation and are now available in our journal Global Heart. The Roadmaps are designed to translate existing knowledge of best practices, barriers, and solutions into practical strategies for improved cardiovascular health. They serve as models so […]
From 13-16 July, the city of Addis Ababa hosted the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD3). The conference brought together `high-level political representatives, including Heads of State and Government, and Ministers of Finance, Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation’ to reach a globally agreed outcome on how to finance development over the next 15 […]
New delicious and heart-healthy recipes from football stars Based on the success of the Eat for Goals! app in English, the World Heart Federation is launching a Spanish version of the app developed in partnership with UEFA. Eat for Goals! is a cookery app which gives young people the opportunity to cook the same delicious […]
Alert PASCAR meeting moved from Tunisia to Mauritius The Pan-African Society of Cardiology (PASCAR) annual meeting 3-7 October will be held in Mauritius instead of Tunisia as originally planned. For more information contact [email protected]