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Stroke devastates lives but recognizing the signs and the right care can make all the difference. Nearly 14 million people will have a stroke each year and over 6 million people die as a result.

A stroke happens when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off. Without blood, brain cells can be damaged or die.ย The short- and long-term effects of this depend on the region of the brain affected and how quickly it is treated.

Survivors can experience wide ranging disabilities including difficulties with mobility and speech, as well as how they think and feel. Fast access to treatment saves lives and improves stroke recovery.

Remember โ€ฆ FAST
The main symptoms of stroke can be remembered and checked with the word FAST.

F = Face ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Is the face drooping to one side?

A = Arms ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  Is there a weakness in one arm?

S = Speech ย ย ย ย ย  Is speech slurred or garbled?

T = Time ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  If these symptoms are present itโ€™s time to call the emergency services

The right care makes a difference, but many people are not getting the stroke treatment they need. Take a look below toย see how you canย help make theย world free from stroke.

For more information visit the World Stroke Organization

  • Understand your stroke risk and take steps to prevent stroke. You can asses your risk in just a few minutes at:ย
  • Remember โ€ฆ FAST. Learn the signs of stroke and know to take immediate action
  • Share this information with your family and friends

Even with limited resources, something can be done.

  • Follow best practices and provide evidence-based treatments
  • Conduct a simple audit of your regional/local risk factor screening provisionย and identify how youย  can implement changes that will improve stroke primary prevention
  • Access online clinical education resourcesย related to stroke prevention and risk factor management
  • Use and disseminate theย post-stroke checklistย to support secondary prevention of stroke
  • Take a leadership role in stroke care by developing evidence-based strategies for stroke prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Support the development of coordinated systems of care including specialized stroke units and stroke care teams
  • Support funding for stroke awareness campaigns, prevention programmes and innovative medicines for stroke prevention, treatment and management
  • Support excellence in stroke research