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Conversations from the Heart: Prof Srinath Reddy

8 December, 2021

He is dedicated to transforming the landscape of heart heath everywhere: listen to Professor Srinath Reddy, global cardiology expert, on the changes to date and challenges ahead. From working on better guidelines for managing our blood pressure to advocating for tobacco control and health coverage for all, we are reminded that science and policy are […]

Addressing emergency preparedness at WHA74 special session

30 November, 2021

This is a statement made at the 74th World Health Assembly Special Session (29 November – 1 December 2021) on Agenda Item 2: Consideration of the benefits of developing a WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic preparedness.  Honourable Chair, Distinguished Delegates, Following careful review, the WGPR[1] has concluded that key aspects […]

World Heart Grants 2021: SASNET-GHANA Campaign to Promote World Heart Day

30 November, 2021

This September, the Stroke Association Supportnetwork-Ghana (SASNET-GHANA) celebrated World Heart Day by raising population awareness on cardiovascular disease (CVD) through the usage of traditional and social media. The campaign also followed up on the commitment made by the Ghanian government in 2020 to improve heart health through control, prevention, and treatment. This awareness campaign was made possible with the support of the World Heart Federation through the yearly […]

WHF at the 15th PASCAR and Kenya Cardiac Society Congress

26 November, 2021

The Joint PASCAR and Kenya Cardiac Society Congress 2021 was hosted in Mombasa, Kenya, from 22 to 25 November 2021 (with the World Heart Summit on 22 and 23 November). WHF President Prof Fausto Pinto and WHF Board Members represented WHF at the joint congress, supporting the event through the World Heart Summit, in […]

Iron Deficiency Day: Interview with WHF President Prof Fausto Pinto

26 November, 2021

Today, 26 November, is Iron Deficiency Day. Iron is essential for keeping our bodies and brains healthy. It brings oxygen to our blood cells, helps convert food into energy and enables us to maintain a normal immune system. Too little or too much iron has detrimental effects on the body and can lead to arrhythmia […]

World Heart Summit 2021: Time to Act on Obesity

23 November, 2021

Between 14 October and 22 November, the World Heart Federation challenged health professionals on the frontlines, policymakers, academics, and health advocates to “Act on Obesity” as part of its 6th World Heart Summit. Following five global and regional webinars and an in-person Summit in Mombasa, Kenya, convened under the leadership of Profs. Liesl Zühlke and […]

The European Hematology Association and the World Heart Federation join forces to raise awareness on heart failure and iron deficiency

9 November, 2021

Iron deficiency is present in one-third of the world’s population. However, heart failure patients are disproportionately affected – up to fifty percent of people living with chronic heart failure are iron deficient.   Despite being a strong independent predictor of heart failure outcomes, it is often neglected. It is therefore recommended by the European Society of Cardiology that all heart failure […]

World Heart Federation calls for stronger measures on tobacco control at COP9

9 November, 2021

This is a statement made at the Ninth Session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO FCTC (COP9) on agenda item 3: Global Progress in the Implementation of the WHO FCTC. Honourable Chair, Distinguished Delegates, The World Heart Federation welcomes the progress report and applauds the Convention Secretariat for its leadership […]

Nurse checking blood pressure of female patient in clinic

WHF partners with Resolve to Save Lives to promote new WHO Hypertension Guidelines

1 November, 2021

Hypertension affects over 1 billion people worldwide. The global health care savings from effective management of blood pressure alone have been estimated at $100 billion per year, yet investment in hypertension programs remains low, especially where resources and staff are limited. Many deaths from hypertension are preventable, but hypertension care remains underfunded and under prioritized. […]

Friendly nurse preps patient prior to COVID-19 vaccine shot

Addressing non-communicable diseases in the Western Pacific Region

28 October, 2021

This is a statement made at the 72nd Session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific Region on non-communicable diseases. The World Heart Federation welcomes the attention accorded to NCDs on this year’s agenda, and we pledge our support to WPRO member states to rise to the challenge and prioritise the prevention and control of NCDs in line with the […]

Young children playing and sitting on the streets

Addressing primary health care in the Western Pacific Region

28 October, 2021

This is a statement made at the 72nd Session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Western Pacific Region during the panel discussion on primary health care. Honourable Chair, distinguished delegates,  Thank you for the opportunity to deliver this statement by the World Heart Federation. We welcome the Committee’s Report, and its emphasis on the devastating impact […]