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Statement: Underscoring the importance of mass media campaigns to prevent NCDs in Jamaica and around the world

Statement: Underscoring the importance of mass media campaigns to prevent NCDs in Jamaica and around the world

1 May, 2018

Update 1/5/2018: Wisynco Group Limited has withdrawn their lawsuit against the Heart Foundation of Jamaica (HFJ). The World Heart Federation, together with the NCD Alliance, Coalición Latinoamérica Saludable, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition, World Obesity Federation and Union for International Cancer Control, wishes to underscore the importance of mass media campaigns to protect and promote public […]

The Inter-American Society of Cardiology (SIAC) SIAComunidad campaign moves ahead

30 April, 2018

According to the plan, the first stage of the SIAComunidad campaign ‘For the American Heart’ has been completed and the campaign is moving forward!  The following steps have been taken: The platform is operative, and activities are already being registered: SIAC, WHF and LASH (Latin American Society of Hypertension) are promoting this Campaign #ConoceTus […]

Healthy Caribbean Coalition – Childhood Obesity Prevention Petition

30 April, 2018

Research shows that 1 in every 3 Caribbean children is overweight or obese, putting them at risk for Type 2 Diabetes and high blood pressure and for heart disease, cancer and diabetes as they move into adult life. This is no longer a problem for a few families, but the issue is becoming increasingly challenging for many. […]

Walk the Talk: The Health for All challenge - World Health Organisation

Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge

20 April, 2018

On 20 May, the eve of the World Health Assembly (WHA), the World Health Organization is staging a major health promotion event in Geneva named Walk the Talk: the Health for All Challenge. The aim of this event is to engage WHA delegates, the United Nations family, non-State actors and the Geneva community in a […]

MSF launches campaign to raise awareness of Chagas Disease

14 April, 2018

Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders launches a sensitization campaign to raise awareness about Chagas Disease The initiative targets people in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and the United States in advance of International Chagas Disease Day Rio de Janeiro, April 14th – The international humanitarian organization Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) launches the awareness campaign […]

Emerging Leaders discuss essential medicines in Scientific American

12 April, 2018

Scientific American recently published an observation piece by two Emerging Leaders, Sandeep Kishore (2017) and Rajesh Vedanthan (2014) and WHF Senior Programme Adviser Mark Huffman. The article, entitled Expanding Global Access to Essential Heart Medications: Modernizing the World Health Organization’s official list of vital medications, argues for the need to update the WHO Model List of […]

Meet of the Certificate Course in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke Cycle-I successfully organized by the Public Health Foundation of India

11 April, 2018

National experts and colleagues from the different organizations  We are glad to share that the National Expert Consultation Meet of Certificate Course in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke (CCCS) Cycle-I was successfully conducted on 7th and 8th April 2018 at Radisson Blu Plaza, New Delhi. The two day meet had seen participation of Prof. Salim Yusuf […]

WHF participated in the SCS 30th Annual Scientific Meeting

10 April, 2018

The World Heart Federation participated in the Singapore Cardiac Society (SCS) 30th Annual Scientific Meeting in Singapore, this past 7 – 8 April. The conference, organized under the theme “Future of Cardiology and Beyond”, offered a comprehensive educational programme targeted at multiple levels of treatment for the cardiac patients. Heart health experts at all stages of their […]

WHF participates in first African Heart Network Meeting

10 April, 2018

The African Heart Network hosted its first meeting on 29-31 March in Sousse, Tunisia, in collaboration with the Tunisian Heart Foundation. The meeting was well attended, with over 200 delegates and 15 African countries represented. The meeting was opened by the Tunisian Minister of Health, Imed Hammami, demonstrating high-level interest in the event. Participants included […]

Health for all logo

Calling for universal health coverage on World Health Day!

6 April, 2018

Every year since 1950, the World Health Organization (WHO) and its partners have celebrated World Health Day on 7 April as an opportunity to raise awareness of global health issues. This year, the theme is ‘Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere’, which aims to shine a spotlight on the need for universal health coverage (UHC) and […]

Global Hearts Initiative partner organizations meet in Geneva

6 April, 2018

In March 2018, representatives from agencies supporting the Global Hearts Initiative to Reduce Heart Attacks and Strokes, including the World Heart Federation, met in Geneva to discuss progress and opportunities for further advancement. Participants convened by the World Health Organization included the American Heart Association, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the Center for […]